Charlie Sheen –Fox theater curse?

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I was just reading an article that said Charlie Sheen had premiered his on the road show in Detroit at the Fox Theater and was booed and heckled.  We premiered GET MEAN in Detroit at the Fox Theater and we had interesting results that might portend badly for Charlie.

I flew into Detroit and took a cab to the theater.  I arrived at the theater and saw no one on the streets.  Absolutely, no body and I freaked that we had spent all our promotion budget on advertising in this theater and we had nothing and then I walked inside.  The theater was packed and the crowd loved the film.  They really loved it and gave us a rave review.  I think there was another big film release, Charles Bronson?, we blew them all away.  Not so fast!!  We stayed two weeks at the Fox and did good business, there was a snow storm that slowed things down and we were hoping to get picked up by the local drive ins and suburban theaters to help earn against our advertising and garner the attention of the majors to pick up a distributor.  Not one other theater would pick us up and it wasn’t until I questioned in detail did I find out that everyone hated the guy that owned the Fox Theater and because we had opened there, they wouldn’t touch us.  A small fact that was never mentioned when we booked the date.  That was when GET MEAN went into a coma..Seems we are waking up again..




Categories: Get Mean


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